Friday, November 10, 2006

What I Hate!!!

One thing I hate the most in this world is unreal people...
People who are covering themselves up in their own pseudoselves...
People who do not want to wake up and face the world...
Become a fake...
Fake in front of other people and fake to themselves...
This is what I call DENIAL...
Sometimes they even make gossips about other people, push them around, degrade them or even insult them on their faces just to cover their insecurities in his or her life...
Fake people... People that can't live a day without stepping on others for their personal gain...
Arrogant, Selfish and very Irresponsible people...
To those people who think that they are like this... Its not too late...
Wake up and be real...
Stop stepping on others just to cover yourself up...
Personally... I'd rather be with boring but REAL people or with my dogs...
I respect them more and I believe others would also do...

1 comment:

littleyahoO said...

chill. yes, "plastic" people tend to be really annoying in the long run. but heck! being the stoic that i am, i just let 'em be... perhaps, this diversity is what makes the world a wonderful place to live in... so chill. (^^,)