Friday, November 10, 2006

Reality of Life!!! Responsibility

There are a lot of realities in life... Different aspects... Different ways of facing these realities... Different realities...
We all have our own realities... The funny thing is that a lot of us has a hard time facing realities...
One reality in life is RESPONSIBILITIES. Responsibility in a relationship, with God, family, school or work, friends, superiors, subordinates, society, or even intimacy... Most of these are neglected...
With our lives now. One funny thing is that we all have time for all the stuff in the world but there's this one time I asked myself... Why do I still neglect all these things? all my responsiblities?
The answer I found was that because I was selfish thinking only of myself. Being insensitive and irresponsible or sometimes becoming irrational...
But I did care for all these I mentioned on top...
The thing is that I was not looking at these as responsibilities... So I just have percieved I did face my responsibilities, even though I really never did!!!
RESPONSIBILITY WITH THE FAMILY is so broad... Because time and effort has to be invested... Help has to be given within it but keeping into mind that will this help really be helpful to my family in the long run... Am I really helping or am I just pleasing them? There is a difference because if you were pleasing then again its selfishness coz you want them to be pleased by YOU...
RESPONSIBILITY WITH SCHOOL OR WORK... Some of the people go to school or work but maybe not... People like these just go to school or work just to get over the day... Not thinking or putting REAL effort in what their purpose in school really is... In effect they do not get to do their responsibility at work or school...
There's actually a lot more...
Reality's all about being responsible in living it and facing it...
Its just how strong we are in facing them...
And how we face them...
Now... Its just up to you guys how'll you deal with your realities...

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