Thursday, June 21, 2007

Judgement and Friends...

sometimes I wonder why it's so easy for others to judge people. The sad part is - when people judge someone at the peak of his pain. A values education teacher in high school once said, "friendship doesn't mean you have to carry the axe and kill someone for an injured friend - it means being able to offer your hand, your shoulder, or your entire self to help him get up on his feet again". Hence, if you call yourself a friend - don't pass judgement. Just listen and understand. It's enough to make the world a better place to live in


Anonymous said...

The judging and the helping of friends are mainly through the value systems that friends cherish with each other that is what i think. And that value system only makes the difference.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

judgement. somehow goes hand in hand with compassion. you should read milan kundera's the unbearable lightness of bein: compassion IS judgement, and ALMOST IS hating.
