Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Psychlogy of Creatures

Looking into dogs...

A dog is better off not tied than tied...

A dog is better off to wander around the house and let loose...

Observing a dog tied, the dog does almost anything and the only thing in mind for the dog is to get loose... When the dog manages to escape or the owner who has tied the dog for most of its life lets the dog loose, the dog runs away so quickly...

But, I always notice the dog to always come back, I guess the dog just wants to see what's out there...

See, when the dog runs away, its just that he wants to see what's out there and experience something else, experience another environment, experience a different environment, any different environment, as long as its not the same environment he has been tied in for the longest time..

These dogs that run away, does not want to run away but just experience another environment... I guess the dog does like and love his owner coz he has lived with the owner's love and care for the longest time but being tied just is different for the dog...

The dog that ran away always comes back... Except when it isn't being tied the dog is trying to escape but the owner's brutality, and sometimes the dog even comes back and forgive this... Or if somewhere along the way, some other person managed to catch that dog and doesn't let it loose... At this instance, the dog still tries to get loose from this other person who managed to catch him and go back home to his real owner... Or, at times, the dog was just lost and couldn't manage to find his way back home...

A dog who has attached himself to the owner doesn't want not to be with his owner...

Maybe that dog is just waiting for his owner to come and find him and take him back home...

Funny how it is with animals, its not just dogs... Also cats, birds and whatever else is out there that knows how to think...

Its just exactly the same with people...

1 comment:

blackrain said...

The saying is true, set something free and if it comes back, it's yours, if doesn't it never was. My kitten just ran away, i'll see if she comes back?