Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Keeps a Person in Denial...

There are just some things that we cannot accept... Different circumstances and instances that we deny what is and has become reality... We tend not to face this and accept this reality... Making us unrealistic people, irrational, and sometime very uptight without even being aware of ourselves...

So, as people who cope with reality, we often tend not to face these circumstances or instances... We tend to shy away to what is real and hide outselves in our own ways... Different coping mechanisms that we go through coz of our so called denial...

Things that people often do when in denial is drinking, meaning liquor abuse... If not, there's illegal substances, sleeping, over eating, and many more but even worse is suicide... These are things people do to avoid a problem a reality that they do not want to face...

Im not saying that coping mechanisms are negative... But see, we cope in healthy manners... Never through these things I have mentioned above.... We can cope by constructive discussions with friends or positive peers or family... Maybe through a spa treatment, a walk, a drive or treating ourselves with something to pamper us... Legally!!! After this, we go back and think of how to make our realities better, on how to solve our problems...

People often misconstrue that illegal substances or drugs, liquor, over sleeping, over eating, etc. solve their problems, it doesn't... It would only take away the feeling temporarily... It doesn't solve anything, but actually adds up to your problem... After the quick fix, the problem comes right back to your face and actually would turn out to become a much more bigger problem...

So where are we now... Denial...

What keeps a person in denial is him/herself... Actually sucking up to his/her own sadness and addicted to these certain feelings... not wanting to face what is real, choosing to hide in his/her own shell and own reality...

Sometimes, people tend to make up their own realities.. At times, people actually gets stuck to these realities that they create coz they were coping from something from the past...

That's why at times, people grow insane...

Now, who wants to get stuck in denial???

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